(Haiti Libre) - 27/03/2015 06:43:53
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Fishing in Haiti, allows to have about 15,000 tons of products per year, less than 50% of local demand forcing to import more than 16,000 tons of fish per year, although consumption "per capita" in Haiti is only 4 8 kg / year (the lowest in the Caribbean). Meanwhile, Haiti manages to export annually on the international market nearly 800 tons of its fishing products (mainly lobsters, octopuses and Queen Conch meat) worth 10 million whose 4 million are distributed among 5,000 families of fishermen.
The government has chosen to work for social and economic development of rural fishing communities through the practice of an improved sustainable artisanal fisheries by the installation of Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) in the territorial waters of the country. These devices allow fishermen to fetch fish much further into the sea which reduces the pressure on the coasts which endangers currently many species. Today the fishermen of country take advantage of about 50 DCP installed that must be maintained or replaced periodically.
Actions performed (partial) :
The government has supported the installation of forty new Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) in the territorial waters of the country and fifty boats and motors ;
- Five fisheries centers were built in the Southeast department in Grand Gosier, Belle Anse, Marigot, Cayes Jacmel and Bainet. They are self-sufficient in energy and can improve the conservation, processing and marketing of fisheries products. These facilities and infrastructure that allow to significantly reduce the loss of shellfish after harvest (estimated at around 40%) are managed by of communal unions composed of associations of fishermen and merchants of the town, reinforced by of simplified management training programs adapted to the capacity of leaders of these Unions. Each center has a shop for fishing inputs to facilitate the supply of fishermen in fishing equipment ;
- More than 4 docks were built to facilitate better landing of fishery products ;
- Acquisition and distribution of fishing kits to over 160 fishing associations across the 9 departments of the country.
Today with the support of several partners, the fishermen of 120 villages have already benefited approximately of sixty DCP installed and running with specific fishing gear for fishing on FADs and an adequate storage system.
Objectives and expected results for the period (2012-2017) :
- Consolidate the gains in the fisheries sector by strengthening the conditions for a modern modern artisanal fisheries, capable of generating sustainable income ;
- Triple the number of FADs installed as well as the equipment necessary for their operation (150 by 2017);
- Improve conservation systems, processing and marketing of products by installing community centers for fishery products processing ;
- Boost sustainable strategic alliances between the private sector and fishermen's organizations ;
- Support the construction and development of 90 small landing ports, installation of ice-making machines, increasing the current number of installed solar freezers and the operationalization of cold rooms.
Note that the Sustainable Coastal Development Program (HA-L1095) at the South Department, Southeast and Nippes, financed by the IDB will prioritize the following activities :
- Establishment of a database (Register of fishermen and boats) ;
- Updating the legal framework ;
- Reconstitution of mangrove forests ;
- Inventory of the principal resources of economic importance ;
- Creation of a Health Inspection Service and certifications ;
- Alliance with crushed ice plants in the fishing areas and the installation of appropriate infrastructure for the storage of ice ;
- Development of storage facilities, processing and marketing of seafood ;
- Installation of Community fishing shops.
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